Finding Home

As I sat on my sofa with my journal, gazing out across to the village clock tower in the snow. I felt a sense of sadness and grief. Not a wallowing deep despair but a little sense of confusion and need for connection.

 I have lived in my new home for 9 months now and still there are times when I crave that sense of connection and coming home. The funny thing is, it instantly felt right when I moved in, yet it was so different from what I was accustomed too. 

Last year I would have been gazing out to my cottage garden , sheep and the occasional pheasant. I have never really felt a loss for my old life, as I say I felt really settled in my new home. As the months have gone on though I am craving a deeper connection to the land I live. 

 Maybe it's the cancer full moon today, or the energy of 2025 but I feel many of us will be seeking this sensation of coming home. A sense of belonging, feeling safe, secure and held. This is the energy I wish my clients to feel. A deep connection to self and the world they live in.  This doesn't always need to be a physical location (i.e maybe you travel a lot), but to create a sanctuary and safe home allows you to take risks and grow elsewhere. 

Maybe what I wish to create for myself and my clients is that feeling of unconditional love that parents gift their children. But as adults who do we have to return to to share our successes’, worries, fears, dreams? Maybe you have great friends, a partner or community. But is that enough? 

It really isn't. We need to be able to gift ourselves that space within and without that allows us to come home to love over and over by ourselves. 

Yes we need connection from others but the ultimate coming home gift is to find that magical space within you and around you. 

So how do we foster that?

  • Tune into Your Needs
  • Connect with the Land
  • Connect with Mother Earth
  • Connect with the Divine
  • Connect with Community
  • Be Yourself
  • Follow Your Passions
  • Connect with Local Culture
  • Connect with Local Food
  • Display gratitude and love for your home/where you reside

All of these will look different for each individual but let me expand on them and give some examples that may support you. 

Tune into Your Needs; Create time to tune into yourself. Find quiet space for reflection. Meditation, sitting in stillness, nature time, work with a therapist to uncover if your needs are being met. For me this simply looks like checking in. I slow my breath, place my hands on my heart and ask myself what do i need physically, what do I need mentally, what do I need spiritually and what do I need emotionally. I allow space between my questions and see what answers arise. I make a note of these and then see what I can do to honour each of these unmet needs.  

Connect with the Land: Wherever you are at home, on holiday or working away. Speak to the land where you are. Place your hands on the earth and tune in. Ground yourself where you are. Maybe get barefoot and connect to the vibration of the land where you are. Find out more about local history, take an interest in your community. 

Connect with Mother Earth: For me this looks like walking or sitting in nature. Making an offering for her wisdom and gratitude for all the life giving support she nourishes us with. An offering could be flowers, I sometimes gift oats as they are local to where I reside, or the last part of my cacao I gift to her. 


For both connecting with the land and connecting with mother earth I also gift back my moonblood. I mix this with water and pour into the soil around my home. 

Connect with the Divine: Daily connection with the divine I tend to do as I tune into my needs. I will sit in meditation. Sometimes I use prayer or readings, sometimes I like to be in nature and connect in awe and beauty. Sometimes it is lighting a candle. 

Connect with Community; Finding others you can explore life with is powerful. This may be a spiritual community, a circle you attend or being with others that share your passions. Finding people you can be fully yourself with. 

Be Yourself: This isn't easy and I feel this leads onto the next too. How do you know who you are? How do you know if you are being fully you? Start to notice where you are filtering or behaving differently. Notice the times where you feel safe, expansive and in flow. This is who you truly are. 

Follow Your Passions: These are the lights that will guide you home to you. Your unique passions, gifts and things that you are curious about and love learning about. Embracing these will give you that sensation of coming home, confidence and alignment. 

Connect with Local Culture: This applies if you are at home or on holiday or travelling. By learning more about where you are you will be able to connect and feel more at home with the location. You will understand the energy and people more. 

Connect with Local Food: As above. Enjoy what energetically thrives where you are. Is that root vegetables in Scotland or is it banana’s in Jamaica? Get curious and try new things. 

Display gratitude and love for your home/where you reside: This is one I practice a lot. I am so grateful for where I am. I speak to my house regularly. Thanking her for her safety and support. Even if there are things you wish to change about where you stay can you find gratitude for what already exists? Show your home love, furnish it with love in your own unique way. 

I intend to spend time working through these myself, to foster and build that connection with myself, the divine, the land and mother earth. Let me know what will you try? Where is home for you? What does coming home feel like?

With So Much Love

Susi xxx



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