How to get the Holiday Vibes without the Holiday

You can also listen to an extended version of this on the Be Free Podcast. 

Do your holidays leave you yearning to return to your routines or tired and jaded wishing they were longer. I love time away from routine days with no plans. Slower pace trying new things, and often reflecting on where I'm at with life. What's working and what's not. I took a week off work last week as I really wanted some spaciousness time to step back, rest and review when I'm at. 


We've had a lot of change this year moving house moving business family stuff and healing. I felt I needed this time to land. The summer holidays has passed in a flash, however it didn't quite work out like I imagined. I am left yearning for that holiday feeling of rest and reflection.


So I thought I'd share how I'm going to give myself some holiday benefits without taking a holiday per se. Holidays are often the perfect antidote for stress, overwhelm, anxiety. Escaping from the pressures of life and work, an opportunity for your meals to get made by someone else, a cleaner etc.  So my question is how can we create a life we don't need a holiday from?


 Here's nine ideas of things to do to give you that holiday rest by now


1; Plan a day in your week with no social media. Social Media can be super draining mentally, emotionally, creating unnecessary stress and depleting your time and energy. If you can't plan a tech free day why not use airplane mode for an hour and take a nature walk, read a book do something you've always said you don't have time for


2; Change your sheets and make your room hotel esque. Create that hotel vibe at home tidy by your bed,  light a candle and read in bed.  Enjoy that clean beautiful hotel vibes.


3: Plan some meals and prepare a couple at a time. Place some nice fruit and yogurt etc in your fridge, perhaps some salad in a box. Add a slice of lemon to your water and grab the holiday vibes through your foods, maybe try a new fruit or meal and experiment a little.  Think vibrant colours and tasty food


 4; Take yourself into nature, a forest, the beach, a park and pause and soak it all up. Breathe deeply. Just 15 minutes in nature can reduce your cortisol, boost your happiness and decrease muscle tension.  This is often the time I have a breakthrough. I find solutions and answers and connect with what to really matters


 5; Write a list of all the things you'd love to do. Things that bring you joy and start actioning them. Is it visiting somewhere? Is it potting in your garden? Is it taking a lovely bath with candles? Swimming in a river? Have fun and you'll begin to feel the joyful vibes as you write.


6: Self-care and Sleep; Treat yourself well, dial up the self-care. Why not assign a 15-minute window or more where you can dedicate time to self care. Asking what you need at that moment. Is that yoga, a stretch, meditation, facial massage or maybe just to sit and daydream, to listen to music, to lie on the floor, to moisturise and love on your body maybe prioritising your sleep and building up that restful state.


7; Take yourself on a coffee date somewhere. Treat yourself to a nice cuppa, bring your book or journal or simply people watch and allow yourself a chance to slow down.


8; Have a little mini life review; grab your journal and give yourself some reflective time here's some ideas for you to journal on:

What in my life right now is causing me stress?

What do I wish I could do more of what in my life right now feels imbalanced? 

What makes me feel overwhelmed or anxious? 

What changes do I wish to make for my health and well-being? 

How do I wish my life looked?

What are my goals hopes and dreams? 

What habits do I need to break or start?

What one thing will I do or implement to take me closer to my desired life?


9; Review your calendar and clear out what's not lighting you up or is necessary and start to schedule some of the ideas from one to eight


Enjoy your holiday without the holiday let me know which you're going to try 


So Much Love 

Susi xx


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