Medicine Walk; Finding clarity, insight and connection

In our fast paced world it’s really heard to hear our own internal voice and navigation system. This can leave us feeling disconnected, confused, and overwhelmed. With so many options in life these days it can be hard to know which direction to head.

Over the past year so much of my healing has taken place outside in nature. The guidance I have received has always been when I allow myself the opportunity to tune in through meditation, slow down, or walk.

Nature has offered me signs, symbols and guidance as to where I am headed, what I should be doing, my purpose and nods I am on the right path.

One way I like to find insight is through a medicine walk.

Medicine Walks can be found in many different cultures, from the vision quests of native American Indians, Aboriginal Walkabout, to modern day western Ecotherapy and outdoor counselling.

For me a medicine walk can be used for many purposes.

· To explore and get answers to a specific question

· To unblock creative blocks

· To explore emotions and feelings that are arising

· To find a solution to a problem

· For general guidance

· For support when you feel helpless

Nature to me offers huge connection. The signs and symbols we are given from spirit, the elements, plants, animals and our own intuition can be heard more clearly and loudly when we give it the opportunity to arise.

I am offering medicine walks now as a service. This came to me as divine guidance from spirit and nature. As I have returned to work post health challenges, I have become aware of how much nature supports me and being outside. I asked Spirit to guide me as to how I can weave more of my work outside. I have tried outdoor reiki for a friend, but the Scottish Climate doesn’t always allow this. Even my outdoor meditation sessions were having to be moved indoors as the ground was wet.

I couldn’t figure out what was needed. I took myself in nature an asked the question, how can I offer people the opportunity to connect in and experience this deep experience. I was guided to sharing medicine walks.

How to take yourself on a medicine walk

You can also do this by yourself. Here’s my ideas for how to do a medicine walk by yourself. You can do these in park, woods, beach, or even through a city. Although finding somewhere you can find quiet really helps.

I would advise you to go alone, take a journal and pen if you wish to make any notes. Before you set off ask to be guided in whichever way you need. Examples could be “please allow me to receive guidance towards which job I should take”, “Please support me in finding the next step on my healing path”.

Take yourself away to your chosen location, be mindful as you walk. Be aware of any thoughts that are arising, inner dialogue. Be aware of the elements what is the weather communicating with you? Have you connected with a certain animal, seen anything unusual? Is there water, how is it flowing? Did you meet any obstacles, physical or mental?

Connect with your breath, ask the question you wish answered. Trust the guidance you are given. Walk in gratitude for all that surrounds you. What emotions arise as you walk?

I’ve popped some benefits you may experience below.


Benefits of a medicine walk guided or alone:

· Helps self awareness

· Allows deeper connection to intuition and self

· Quiet time allows whispers of the soul to be heard

· Moving helps shift stuck emotions and ways of thinking

· Guided walks offer an opportunity to express self in a less structured environment

· Boosts mood and hormones

· Allows clearer thinking and solutions

· Connecting to nature reduces anxiety, stress and depression

· Connect symbolically to the bigger world around you

If you wish to find out more about a medicine walk with me you can find out more here. During these sessions I will guide you and share practices to support deeper connection to self and intuition. I will also help you interpret your session, thoughts and emotions as we end the session.

Happy Walking my loves

Susi xx


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