All is Well a poem by Susi McWilliam

All is Well

She sits and stares, her heart heavy waiting for tears.
No reason why, just ready to release
She doesn’t run, she sits
She feels, she allows
She breathes, they arrive, they fall down her cheeks.
She doesn’t question or figure out.
She simply breathes.
All is well, all is happening as it should.

Poem by Susi McWilliam


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I've been feeling nervous, sad and fearful, have you?

These are turbulent and extremely trying times. Usually I’m the optimist but I’m in this period, I’m experiencing waves of so many emotions. Worry for loved ones, friends, those with compromised immunity, my clients, the sustainability of my business. I’m being totally honest here as I think its important to be true and honest in how you are feeling even if it isn’t positive.

I wanted to write, to speak to share as I know so many of us will be feeling the same way. Putting on a brave face and pulling together. Either that or distancing and pulling apart. The divide saddens me so much. How we are questioning our behaviours, do we hug and kiss our loved ones. Any of my clients will tell you I’m a hugger and it really feels so off to even have to question our natural actions and responses. This separation and lack of connection pulls on my heart. The arguments in super markets the lack of compassion for other humans and the divide is getting greater....

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