Expect Miracles

Oh the conflict of the human nature to expect miracles yet to have expectations often leads to disappointment. During my periods of severe anxiety and almost OCD behaviour, I would have to control everything. I could not cope if a plan changed or if someone did not behave the way I would have expected someone to behave.

It took me a long time to realise that it was my expectations that usually lead to disappointment. Not communicating my needs and desires effectively. You see, I think, we often believe others should know what we're thinking. This is especially true in relationships. We get upset by our partners behaviour or lack of understanding. But have we really explained what we need?


I openly admit I am a dreamer, I look for the best in people. I expect people to behave with the same moral codes and standards as me. I thought all people would join in my crazy positive approaches, finding solutions and come join me in the path of the dreamer. This has been, the learning...

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