To be or not to be: decision fatigue

This blog has been brewing for around the past 6 months. We all make decisions, hundreds a day. Some mega important and some really minor as what will we have for breakfast. Did you know that we only have a finite resource of decisions each day. So if we’re spending time in the morning deciding what to wear, what to eat, what to listen to, what will we do when we get into work. We’re already reducing our decision-making bucket considerably before we even leave our house.

The past 6 months for me has been full on moving home, building new premises, writing my book, changing my daughters school, changing swimming lessons, reviewing my health and diet. Seriously there had never been so many decisions. And some days I was seriously done!

Where will I put my new premises, who will I get to build it, what type of light switches would I like, what kind of lamp shade, what colour of floor should I choose, what’s for dinner, should I respond to emails first or respond to...

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