Coconut oil pulling 101

My best friend introduced me to this many years ago. As a coconut oil lover and being game to try anything that could improve my health I gave it a ago.

Oil pulling is a traditional Ayurvedic technique used for detoxing in your mouth. It has been used for centuries as a traditional Indian remedy for numerous conditions including: tooth decay, bad breath, whitening teeth, immune system boosting, strengthening the jaw and teeth and the biggy for me, reduces inflammation and toxins throughout the body.

How does it work? As we sleep bacteria and toxins build within the mouth. Oil pulling is done first thing in the morning prior to eating, drinking or brushing. The oil pulling works by cleansing and detoxing the oral cavity. It sucks and draws out all the nasties. The antiseptic and anti bacterial coconut oil cleans up your mouth.

You take a spoonful of coconut oil, or an oil pulling tab. You can make these yourself at home. Simply gently melt some coconut...

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Digital Detoxing

I was getting an increasing awareness of feeling disconnected with life, ungrounded and a bit spacey. I’d spent a few days working in various places and very little time outside. I never feel quite right unless I get to connect with nature.


The more time I spend working with clients one on one, the less time I have to respond and connect virtually with clients. I love connecting with clients, friends, relatives all the time. Being with and speaking to people is my love. Whether that be on a personal or professional level.


Technology is fantastic for this, we can however got lost in the process. Side tracked and sucked in, in directions we didn’t intend to. This lead me to a bit of digital overwhelm.

I decided as an experiment to myself to switch off for the day, go offline. A day is nothing some may think but its harder than I thought.


So it began. I posted the day before on my business social media saying that if it was an...

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