Ideas are Like Seeds

As I left my financial planner the other day I was thinking about the future and all that I have going on at the moment and it struck me that Ideas are like seeds. We have this momentary thought, idea and it is only when we show it love, plant it, cultivate it, nourish and support it does it form.

We are often left feeling like we are stuck, that nothing is happening fast but un-beknown to us, these seeds are growing roots, deepening, evolving and taking form.

i’m a huge fan of journaling and have a collection of books of ideas, business ideas, goals, life plans, dreams and facts. I firmly believe in the law of attraction and intention setting and it is something that I practice in my daily life. It is something that blows my mind. Some can see it as woo woo or for the scientific and business minded it be that we are positively focussing on a clear goal so ultimately it is more likely to happen. Either way by getting clear on what it is were really looking for and...

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