My 5 favourite ways to boost your immune system naturally

With so much stress, fear and worry our immune system is taking a battering when we need it to be working at its best. What I discovered from living through a period of chronic stress, illness and adrenal fatigue is that our immune system can be supported in so many ways naturally.

With the rise in corona virus cases being at the forefront of the minds of many it is easy to slide into staying inside, comfort eating, lack of sleep, stress and worry. During these times its easy to feel overwhelmed and quite frankly helpless. Taking action and empowering ourselves is a fabulous way to shift out of this sense of helplessness into hopefulness.
Below I've included my 5 favourite go to immunity support solutions. I hope that they allow you and opportunity to reduce stress and worry and build strength form the inside out.

Immune Booster #1 Meditation & Stress Relief
You may have guessed this would be my first go to. Meditation has been shown to reduce inflammation in the body, lower...

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