Creating a Mindful Festive Season and Mindful Spending

The festive season and black friday are getting bigger and more excessive each year. Through this blog I’m going to share some tips and ideas so you can enjoy this time,  save some money and add more joy and peace to your festive season. 


We are exposed to so much these days, bloggers, bloggers, youtube, emails, socials. I love watching/reading these as much as the next person, getting seasonal ideas and inspiration but knowing where to stop and what's right for you as an individual isn't easy when you are exposed to so much noise. 


Shopping to excess used to be my go to, you maybe never knew this but when I was younger I was actually on the BBC series the Bank of Mum and Dad due to my shopping and debt. 


Now I am a lot more financially savvy and have learnt the lesson. We often shop to fill emotional needs such as connection, joy, happiness and we are trying to cultivate this through our purchases. But since emotions only last around...

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How to Create an Alter or Sacred Space

Creating an Alter or Sacred Space

This week I cleaned my alter and set a new intention for it. I thought I would share some tips/things to consider with you as to how to create your own alter or sacred space. When I first started my spiritual practices I had a candle and that was my sacred space. Now I have a corner of a room. I've popped the pic below. 


Creating a space that is solely for you is such a beautiful thing to do. You can use it for journaling, yoga, reading, reflection, meditation you decide. Keep this space as a space of stillness and your body and mind will thank you for being there. It is demonstrating a commitment to your meditation and spiritual practice. Make it beautiful, special and magical. 


Grab your journal or download the sacred space planner at the bottom, and make some notes as you work through the points below. So excited for you. xxxxxx


How much space do you have? Maybe it’s the corner of a room, a shelf, a whole...

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Tips for Navigating the Darker Months

As the darker months approach and the days feel shorter many of us can struggle with this change in lights and also routine. Some people may have to leave for work in darkness and return home in darkness. Through this blog my intention is to share some ideas so that we can learn to love this time of year. Release the overwhelm and low moods and nestle into what has the potential to be a beautiful and introspective period. 


The winter months can feel jam packed with expectation, commitments and things to do before the year ends. This can add to what already feels like a shortening of time. 


Within the UK and countries with little light SAD seasonal affective disorder or winter depression as it is sometimes called can begin to appear. With symptoms such as;

Continuous Low mood

Low sex drive

Craving sweet and carbohydrate based foods

A desire to sleep longer

Feeling irritable 

Struggling to concentrate

Feeling despair


As I write these symptoms I am...

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The Art of Rest: 7 ways to reduce burnout

Lying in my bed, 8.40am just gazing out the window. The sky is grey, the trees are blowing gently. There is a stillness and quiet. I have never really been one for lying in bed unless I am ill. I love waking early and making the most from my days.

But what I have discovered over the festive break is a really deep love of rest. I never knew how much I needed this pure quiet time. My brain has had an opportunity to switch off fully, not planning, not running from one thing to the next just simply being present and mindful.

2022 taught me a lot about rest. My body had been overstimulated and I was being guided to deepen my understanding of healing, rest and repair.

What is your relationship with rest? I had shared post on social media about rest and many commented how they had struggled with this very thing. Mainly due to societal conditioning that rest equals laziness.

We are not designed to be on the go 24/7, 365 days a year. We are designed to move with the cycles of nature and...

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How to clean your diffusers and washing machine naturally in 5 easy steps

Hello my lovely,


So its been a wild stormy day in the North East of Scotland which meant I never to a huge amount of time for my nature fix. But what I did get was the lovely opportunity to connect in with some writing, Christmas movie watching with my daughter, cooking and some natural cleaning.


It got me thinking about how much I loved to share in the past the changes I was making at home to live a cleaner less toxic life. I guess I now do all these things without thinking anymore but thought maybe you might like a little super simple, cleaning tip to help reduce the toxins in your home and support living a healthier life.


I had noticed some black marks on my washing machine door and detergent compartment and also black marks on my diffusers. You really do not want mould and yucky build up spreading into your home. Especially if you are then diffusing it into the air.


You maybe...

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Self Help and Levelling Up Your Path to Living and Incredible Life or Is it?

Self Help and Levelling Up Your Path to Living and Incredible Life or Is it?

I read a quote yesterday about levelling up and it got me thinking. The quote was along the lines of “Level up for you, not to impress”. Do you make a conscious decision to invest in levelling up or self-help? For me self-development, growth and levelling up allow me to live a life that is expansiveness, it gives me options and adds depth. There has been times though when maybe I was seeking a bit too much and not recognising my own power and capacity to figure things out. As well as the growth we need to allow the information and experience to imbed into our lives and add that depth and flavour.

I am a self-help junkie, I have read hundreds of self-help/development books. In fact let’s call it self-development instead of self-help. Self-help sounds a little desperate. Although in many cases I have been desperately seeking solutions to problems or challenges I was facing. I’ve...

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The Blackbird, the Pigeon and the Gluten Free Pizza - two ideas to simplify your life and tune in

Last week I had some interesting experiences with nature. I want to share some ideas with you today that might support you in leading a life that feels more aligned and simple.

I was doing a distance reiki for a client and I felt guided to draw a card for her. I choose an animal deck and the card that came through was the blackbird. The black bird was a beautiful message to her and made so much sense. I then was doing another distance reiki for a client. I could hear a bird singing so loudly. I wasn’t sure if it was on the music I was playing or real. I paused the music and looked out the window. Here was a beautiful blackbird singing and signing and quite happy with itself in the sun. I then went on to pass the black birds message on to this client too.

The blackbird is here to urge us to follow our spiritual path. To help us find our hidden purpose, meaning and potential. To create a life of passion and purpose.

I thought wow thank you blackbird.

As I went to see my horses...

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