How to have the most incredible festive season

December Ritual

Are you ready to design your best year yet? Christmas can invoke so many emotions from joy, sadness, anxiety, loneliness and peace. Why not turn the festive season into something to truly celebrate and enjoy

've created this wee ritual and reflection following on from a really rubbish last Christmas. Last Christmas was sad, cold and far from festive. This year I'm switching it up. Want to join me? Grab Your favourite festive oil. Pop a drop in your palms and take a deep inhale.

Lets look at how you want your Christmas and New Year to feel. Get clear on how you want to show up. Set some intentions, kick back and enjoy!

Find a quiet space. Grab a pen, paper and a warm drink. Here’s some questions to write and reflect on:

How was your November?

What do you need to celebrate, what was successful?

What did you not enjoy about November?

Bring forward the successes and leave the things you didn’t enjoy firmly in the past. That month is gone!

This is the last...

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