Decisions, Decisions

It’s been a while, since I have blogged and I am so ready to be back and get my creative writing juices flowing.

Life really is a roller coaster. I'm seeing huge shifts all around with clients, friends and family. All these shifts and changes have required making a decision. What are you postponing making a decision on? Are you struggling to decide on something big in your life? So often we are carried through life and we might miss something through fear of not trying. Fear of change, What if it doesn’t work? What if you really great at something but in your heart you know there is something more? Something you’ve been yearning for?

How do you make decisions? For me this week I have taken some time to reflect, time to be playful and time to be insular. It has been necessary to re-tract and review how am I feeling? What is working for me? Am I completely living my life full out? Maybe it’s the seasons, maybe its reflection after a truly epic year of my book...

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Down Dog has the answers

They say your yoga mat and practice is a reflection of your life. Today during my yoga class I found myself getting angry and annoyed at my inflexibility. As my yoga teacher assisted and guided me trying to help me to release “She commented this hip just doesn’t want to surrender”. Throughout my class I felt myself frustrated. Frustrated that I felt my body was failing me, my hamstrings are like bloody metal rods there so tight, my back is regularly seizing and going out of alignment then it clicked. Not my back, but the realisation that my body is not failing me I am failing my body.

The reflection of my own life on my yoga mat is not lost on me. As a seeker of answers, a meditation and mindfulness coach I regularly sit in silence and tune in. I assist others in recognising the metaphysical reasons for ill health. I coach people in making decisions, realising their goals and dreams, setting boundaries. Yet for the past few weeks I was resisting making a decision...

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