Self Help and Levelling Up Your Path to Living and Incredible Life or Is it?

Self Help and Levelling Up Your Path to Living and Incredible Life or Is it?

I read a quote yesterday about levelling up and it got me thinking. The quote was along the lines of “Level up for you, not to impress”. Do you make a conscious decision to invest in levelling up or self-help? For me self-development, growth and levelling up allow me to live a life that is expansiveness, it gives me options and adds depth. There has been times though when maybe I was seeking a bit too much and not recognising my own power and capacity to figure things out. As well as the growth we need to allow the information and experience to imbed into our lives and add that depth and flavour.

I am a self-help junkie, I have read hundreds of self-help/development books. In fact let’s call it self-development instead of self-help. Self-help sounds a little desperate. Although in many cases I have been desperately seeking solutions to problems or challenges I was facing. I’ve...

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