Grief is not linear

#grief #loss #motherslove Nov 20, 2018

The path to overcoming grief and loss is certainly not linear. You do not overcome the loss of another life but learn to live differently. The shadow, memories, love and history of another never dissipate or leave your heart. They remain there forever. Sometimes hidden, then other they rise deep within revealing themselves. The longing in your heart and the tears that stream and roll down your cheeks. The breath you struggle to take as you reach deep within your soul and feel.

This week and the end of last have been full of overwhelm, angst and trying to figure things out. I’d pushed the idea of it being grief from my mind. I was emotional, out of sorts. Then the universe forced or allowed me to stop and feel into it all.

Today would have been my mums 70th birthday. And this week whilst at my most emotional, she is the one I longed for the most. The one I could talk to, moan to, speak to and feel truly supported and never ever judged. Never had to alter my emotions. Never had...

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Reiki, Death and Pain

This post is a more personal post but it something that I wish you all to hear. During my journey as a Reiki practitioner my mum developed cancer. This was such a huge shock for us as a family but one which we all approached with great strength and as much positivity as a family can when cancer hits.

My mums cancer was terminal and it was battle she fought with such grace and courage and because of her I have strength, compassion and love.

 With terminal cancer you feel helpless, and we try as human beings to do all that we can to support and assist those around us. I turned to my Reiki, oils, affirmations and crystals. I frequently sent my mother distance Reiki as she coped with the affects of the chemo therapy and struggled to sleep. I would give her Reiki when she was in her bed unable to get up and during this periods of Reiki, and after she would find rest, relaxation and relief. She was transported to a place where she could feel freedom from the cancer.



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