Staying calm during times of uncertaintity: For individuals and families

Hello My Lovely’s,


I’ve created this guide to support you during this difficult period. We all endure periods through our lives of uncertainty and although this handbook has been created during this unprecedented times it is valuable at anytime.

A very brief intro to me. I’m Susi McWilliam, Author, Speaker, Anxiety Expert, Meditation and Mindfulness Coach, Advanced Reiki Healer, Essential Oil Enthusiast, Qualified Relax Kids Coach, Life and Spiritual Coach and Founder of the Be Free Coaching method for Anxiety, Stress and Depression. I own and run The Sanctuary a Wellbeing, Healing and Creative space in Belhelvie, North east Scotland. I personally had struggled with anxiety and panic attacks from the age of 15, suffered periods of depression and ill health for almost 2 decades. I now support others in these areas educating in support tools for mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health.


A little bit about uncertainty. As human beings we have...

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I'm only human

I’ve always approached being ill with such conflict, frustration, sometimes anger but mostly emotion. As I teach classes this week on using meditation to support reduction in pain and anxiety I get hit with a tummy bug. Throughout this weeks class teachings we bring awareness and focus to the issue. We accept where we are currently at, we acknowledge and respect the associated pain and emotions. We certainly do not get really pissed at ourselves beat ourselves up for letting others down and then delve into a deep feeling of annoyance.

Hmmm you can guess where I was at. As a coach in both health and overcoming anxiety I still struggle myself with somehow feeling that because these are my roles, It is somehow some kind of failure or reflection on my part that I could ill or anxious. I fail to remember that I am also a human being. Human beings have emotions, feelings, immune systems and periods of discontent.

 As a huge supporter of others it is necessary for me to fully...

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