Proud of You For Showing Up (Poem)

Showing Up

I am am proud of you, I know how hard it is. I see you and well done. I am sending so much love to those who are........

Showing up through illness

Showing up through pain

Showing up through anxiety

Showing up through not feeling good enough

Showing up through healing

Showing up through fear

Showing up through recovery

Showing up through depression

Showing up through trauma

Showing up through fatigue


May miracles and magic await your honest declaration of determination and commitment to life. With so much love and admiration.

You are an inspiration

Love Susi xx



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All is Well a poem by Susi McWilliam

All is Well

She sits and stares, her heart heavy waiting for tears.
No reason why, just ready to release
She doesn’t run, she sits
She feels, she allows
She breathes, they arrive, they fall down her cheeks.
She doesn’t question or figure out.
She simply breathes.
All is well, all is happening as it should.

Poem by Susi McWilliam


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