Lay it down
Lay it down and rest
Lay it down and grab the blanket
Wrap your self in the soft cosy embrace
Allow the chest to soften and the shoulders to drop
Take the moment
Deepen the breath
Embody, breathe and allow your mind, body, spirit to catch up with you
Recalibrate, process, allow.
Lay it down beautiful, lay it down
I know many are struggling right now with feeling flat, heading for burnout and feeling fatigue and dissatisfaction.
When we feel exhausted the last thing we want to do is take action. We often will numb out at these times, scrolling socials, eating rubbish food because we cant be bothered cooking good food. We will be in fight, flight or freeze. Maybe jumping between all these high stress states.
Burnout has been a pattern that has played out through my life over and over again. Generally I feel I can take on so much until it bites me in the bum. So how do we get ourselves out of this situation and stay out of this situation?
In this blog and the podcast if you wish to listen here or watch here.
How do we end up facing fatigue and burnout? In this blog I’ll explore non medical reasons. You may have a medical condition which you need to consider or make energy management more challenging so please do take what works for you from this and work to your own needs.
That being...
50% Complete
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