3 ways to clear and cleanse your energy

As an empath, HSP and someone who works a lot with energy ensuring I cleanse my energy of my body and home are so deeply important to me.

You only have to step into a room where there has been an argument to feel the energy shift, or spend time with someone who always complains to feel yourself dragged down. Did you know that you will absorb some of that energy.

Energy management and supporting ourselves vibrationally is so important. I have spent the past 15 months really diving deeply into supporting myself vibrationally and prior to that it was something I was hugely fascinated and interested in.

Clearing the energy and starting and ending each day with a blank slate, calling your own energy back to you and clearing anyone else’s that isn’t your own is vitally important to your health.

As vibrational beings we absorb others energy like sponges, be that the people you live with, your environment, TV programmes, socials, your absorbing energy all the time. Often to...

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