Lessons from 2023

2023 was an interesting year. It was a year of surrender, healing and everything moving so slowly including me. As someone who is a pretty driven, dreamer this taught me a lot. 


Learning from our experience adds meaning to our lives. If you get the chance I highly urge you to pause and reflect on the year just past. Take it slow, allow yourself to embody what you have learned before racing into the the next year. What I have discovered is that racing ahead with little reflection or learnings leads to the lessons being repeated and repeated. With the universe kicking us in the butt if we really don't listen up. 


Here I share my personal 5 main learnings. Some may resonate, some may not. They may give you an idea as to where to find your own learnings. Certainly the first 4 have something to offer us all. 


My word for the year last year was “Vibrancy.” I entered the year with such a low energy and vibe. This word was my guiding light. I...

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Take a Breath My Love Sip your Tea a Poem by Susi McWilliam

Take a Breath my Love, Sip Your Tea by Susi McWiliam

Take a breath my love, sip your tea,
Allow yourself space to process,
Allow yourself space to rest,
Do you know that you are a miracle
An infinite spark
Lets pause and reflect on that a moment
For you are majestic, bright and wonderful
So take a breath my love, smile and sip your tea

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