5 Tips and Advice for New Meditators

Hello how are you? Today I wanted to share some top tips for those new to meditation, although this may be a helpful reminder to more seasoned meditators too. 


This week I have taught around 50 people meditation and interestingly about 25 of those had never meditated before. I’m super excited by this and delighted that many people are now looking to support themselves in this way. I could harp on all day about the benefits of meditation (I’ll save that for another blog ;)). 


As we start meditation for the first time we can encounter so many things and I wanted to give some top tips and dispel some myths too. 


Tip 1: Distractions are normal. Yes I know we think we have to be seated still cross legged, mind clear like a buddha however this isn’t really the case. Our brains are primal and their first goal is to keep you safe. So your brain will be running all sorts of thoughts to stop you from sitting still. You may get frustrated...

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She Gave a Poem by Susi McWilliam

She gave all she could

She gave love to those who felt unloveable

She gave hugs to those who lacked connection

She gave support to those who felt weak

She gave positivity to those who felt low

She held their hands as they navigated fear

She listened to those who felt unheard

She gave hope to those who felt helpless

Then came life

It swept in and chipped at her soul

Challenge after challenge, it eroded her edge

She began to fade

The energy she lovingly gave was gone

The positivity she shared diminished

Fragments of her soul blew away on the wind

She closed her weary eyes, her ancestors and guides appeared

They stroked her, wrapped her in blankets and fed her soup

They rubbed her feet and hugged her

They gently held her hand as she walked

They showed her, her beauty and filled her soul

Piece by piece they put her back together

A different and beautiful masterpiece

Only then did she realise she was enough

She was loved

She is love


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Take a Breath My Love Sip your Tea a Poem by Susi McWilliam

Take a Breath my Love, Sip Your Tea by Susi McWiliam

Take a breath my love, sip your tea,
Allow yourself space to process,
Allow yourself space to rest,
Do you know that you are a miracle
An infinite spark
Lets pause and reflect on that a moment
For you are majestic, bright and wonderful
So take a breath my love, smile and sip your tea

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No One a Poem by Susi McWilliam

No one has the right to know your business

No one has to like you

No one will know how you feel

No one will understand how your mind works

No one will see the same beauty you see

No one will feel the same pain you feel

No one will laugh the way you laugh

No one will sing the way you sing

No one will live the same life as you

No one will ever love the way you love

Remember no one will ever be you

Someone, you are someone

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