Why does feeling good feel strange?

I’ve had the strangest experience last month and I can only liken it to when I had really bad anxiety. A little back story. For over two years I have been in some form of ill health, not feeling like me, lacking vitality, anxiety, balance issues, hormonal stuff etc etc. 

To be honest I had moved into a space of acceptance that this was how it was going to be. Not in a defeatist way, just accepting and loving that this may be my new normal and that I could still live an incredible life despite the challenges. 

I would still do things to help myself and continue to research, learn and discover things that may help. I would wake each morning and say every day my body is healing, my health just gets better and better. 

And guess what it did! I was feeling the best I have felt in years. I was doing things I hadn’t done in ages, shopping in busy places, having longer days out, horse riding, weight training, driving further anxiety free. 

So it came as a...

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