Take a Breath My Love Sip your Tea a Poem by Susi McWilliam

Take a Breath my Love, Sip Your Tea by Susi McWiliam

Take a breath my love, sip your tea,
Allow yourself space to process,
Allow yourself space to rest,
Do you know that you are a miracle
An infinite spark
Lets pause and reflect on that a moment
For you are majestic, bright and wonderful
So take a breath my love, smile and sip your tea

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Life is Softening a Poem by Susi McWilliam

Life is softening


What if you wake and move gently into your day

Give up the harsh struggle and pain

You are being offered another way

Life is softening


What if you place your hands over your womb and give thanks to this space of creation. Give thanks to your parents, elders, ancestors and self

Life is softening


What if instead of illness, dis-ease, and uncomfortable sensations. You chose I am healing, I am growing, my health improves daily.

Life is softening


What if instead of fighting, hustling, pushing. You could rest, explore with curiosity, seek support and solutions.

Life is softening.


What if the support you’re seeking is right beneath your feet from Mother Earth herself. What if the beauty you’re seeking is right above you in father sky. What if the thoughts you are desiring can be changed. Ask and you shall receive.

Life is softening


Release, release, trust and have faith

Because life is softening


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No One a Poem by Susi McWilliam

No one has the right to know your business

No one has to like you

No one will know how you feel

No one will understand how your mind works

No one will see the same beauty you see

No one will feel the same pain you feel

No one will laugh the way you laugh

No one will sing the way you sing

No one will live the same life as you

No one will ever love the way you love

Remember no one will ever be you

Someone, you are someone

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Emotions, Sensitivity and Suffering

I had a revelation today. I am currently working through Julia Cameron’s, The Artists Way, morning pages and it's bloody challenging writing everyday in this way. But every day once you get the petulant, child out of the way i.e this is hard, there’s so many others things i could be doing, why did I decide to do this, I could just stop etc etc , there is always a nugget of something appears, a poem, an inspired thought, an alignment to who you truly are.


I am a hugely sensitive and emotional person and during this period of ill health I have really felt a little lost, overwhelmed by my symptoms, emotions and pain. But what I have come to realise and always do when healing is that it is all necessary.


There have been many times where all I have wanted to do is sit under the trees, reiki the earth, or just be close to nature. This is when I feel most myself. Truly me. There is also the business me, the money maker, the marketer, the supporter, the always...

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When the healing gets too much; grab some tootie fruities and remember who you are!

When The Healing Gets Too Much, Grab Some Tootie Fruities and Remember Who You Are


As a self confessed self development and spiritual junkie one thing I have learnt the hard way is sometimes, you can be doing too much self development. Sounds confusing right. Are you thinking but Susi, surely improving myself is a good thing?


Yes it is great to look at old patterns that aren't serving you, mindset blocks that are holding you back, working through traumas big and small, maybe revisiting subjects and issues that you’d buried. Inner child work, looking back at your childhood and how this has shaped who you are. The list goes on and you can dig deeper and deeper and deeper. But what I would say is that there can be a dark side to this.


Yes looking at the hard things is important, this is often called shadow work. Looking at the sides of you, you want to hide, the parts of you where you maybe feel shame, guilt and less than. The parts you don't want others to...

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My favourite crystals for meditation

Susi what crystals would you suggest for meditation and how would you use them? This is a question that often comes up towards the end of my 5 weeks to Calm course, and from people within my membership space so I thought I would pop it all together in this blog for you.


Adding additional things to our meditation practice such as crystals and essential oils (next blog soon!) can add a great support, depth and new dimension to your meditation session. I’ve made some suggestions of crystals you could use for certain supports however I would caveat that with there is nothing more powerful when selecting a crystal than using your intuition.


Although I have done a small crystals course, my journey to using crystals has been incredible. I have nearly always gone with my gut during selection and then found out the meaning of that crystal after. I would say 99% of the time I’m like wow, that makes so much sense. The same with essential oils actually too. Stick to...

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Staying calm during times of uncertaintity: For individuals and families

Hello My Lovely’s,


I’ve created this guide to support you during this difficult period. We all endure periods through our lives of uncertainty and although this handbook has been created during this unprecedented times it is valuable at anytime.

A very brief intro to me. I’m Susi McWilliam, Author, Speaker, Anxiety Expert, Meditation and Mindfulness Coach, Advanced Reiki Healer, Essential Oil Enthusiast, Qualified Relax Kids Coach, Life and Spiritual Coach and Founder of the Be Free Coaching method for Anxiety, Stress and Depression. I own and run The Sanctuary a Wellbeing, Healing and Creative space in Belhelvie, North east Scotland. I personally had struggled with anxiety and panic attacks from the age of 15, suffered periods of depression and ill health for almost 2 decades. I now support others in these areas educating in support tools for mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health.


A little bit about uncertainty. As human beings we have...

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I've been feeling nervous, sad and fearful, have you?

These are turbulent and extremely trying times. Usually I’m the optimist but I’m in this period, I’m experiencing waves of so many emotions. Worry for loved ones, friends, those with compromised immunity, my clients, the sustainability of my business. I’m being totally honest here as I think its important to be true and honest in how you are feeling even if it isn’t positive.

I wanted to write, to speak to share as I know so many of us will be feeling the same way. Putting on a brave face and pulling together. Either that or distancing and pulling apart. The divide saddens me so much. How we are questioning our behaviours, do we hug and kiss our loved ones. Any of my clients will tell you I’m a hugger and it really feels so off to even have to question our natural actions and responses. This separation and lack of connection pulls on my heart. The arguments in super markets the lack of compassion for other humans and the divide is getting greater....

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My 5 favourite ways to boost your immune system naturally

With so much stress, fear and worry our immune system is taking a battering when we need it to be working at its best. What I discovered from living through a period of chronic stress, illness and adrenal fatigue is that our immune system can be supported in so many ways naturally.

With the rise in corona virus cases being at the forefront of the minds of many it is easy to slide into staying inside, comfort eating, lack of sleep, stress and worry. During these times its easy to feel overwhelmed and quite frankly helpless. Taking action and empowering ourselves is a fabulous way to shift out of this sense of helplessness into hopefulness.
Below I've included my 5 favourite go to immunity support solutions. I hope that they allow you and opportunity to reduce stress and worry and build strength form the inside out.

Immune Booster #1 Meditation & Stress Relief
You may have guessed this would be my first go to. Meditation has been shown to reduce inflammation in the body, lower...

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December Ritual For Bringing Back Joy This Festive Season

Are you ready to create a festive season that feels super yummy and a joy? Christmas can invoke so many emotions from joy, sadness, anxiety, loneliness and peace. With 2020 being a challenging year for many. Why not turn the festive season into something to truly celebrate and enjoy?

I created this wee ritual and reflection a few years ago following on from a really rubbish Christmas. That Christmas was sad, cold and far from festive. And this ritual allowed me to create something magical and a moment to pause and reflect for me. Want to join me in creating something beautiful for you? Grab Your favourite festive essential oil (I have Doterra Holiday Peace), Pop a drop in your palms and take a deep inhale, light a candle and make a yummy hot drink I love a chai latte. Or as I write this I’m having a peppermint hot chocolate.


Lets look at how you want your Christmas and New Year to feel. Get clear on how you want to show up. Set some intentions, kick back and enjoy!


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