Happy Underarms!

Since being a teenager I have often suffered with body odour from my armpits. Over the years I have tried various deodorant, creams, sprays and roll ons with no real success. I did find one really strong deodorant which was effective however the list of ingredients would fear you.


I had read various articles about links to breast cancer or Alzheimers due to aluminium and also the parabens in most deodorants being linked to hormonal imbalances.

Our skin is one of our largest organs which can absorb chemicals straight into our blood stream so why would place chemicals on top of it. We wouldn’t dare think about eating the list of ingredients of the average deodorant but ultimately we are still placing these things in our body.


In the past few years I have been looking at ways to improve my health and live more holistically. I tried many natural deodorants but unfortunately they were not working for me.


I decided in my path to health and holistic living why...

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