I'm only human

I’ve always approached being ill with such conflict, frustration, sometimes anger but mostly emotion. As I teach classes this week on using meditation to support reduction in pain and anxiety I get hit with a tummy bug. Throughout this weeks class teachings we bring awareness and focus to the issue. We accept where we are currently at, we acknowledge and respect the associated pain and emotions. We certainly do not get really pissed at ourselves beat ourselves up for letting others down and then delve into a deep feeling of annoyance.

Hmmm you can guess where I was at. As a coach in both health and overcoming anxiety I still struggle myself with somehow feeling that because these are my roles, It is somehow some kind of failure or reflection on my part that I could ill or anxious. I fail to remember that I am also a human being. Human beings have emotions, feelings, immune systems and periods of discontent.

 As a huge supporter of others it is necessary for me to fully...

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Coconut oil pulling 101

My best friend introduced me to this many years ago. As a coconut oil lover and being game to try anything that could improve my health I gave it a ago.

Oil pulling is a traditional Ayurvedic technique used for detoxing in your mouth. It has been used for centuries as a traditional Indian remedy for numerous conditions including: tooth decay, bad breath, whitening teeth, immune system boosting, strengthening the jaw and teeth and the biggy for me, reduces inflammation and toxins throughout the body.

How does it work? As we sleep bacteria and toxins build within the mouth. Oil pulling is done first thing in the morning prior to eating, drinking or brushing. The oil pulling works by cleansing and detoxing the oral cavity. It sucks and draws out all the nasties. The antiseptic and anti bacterial coconut oil cleans up your mouth.

You take a spoonful of coconut oil, or an oil pulling tab. You can make these yourself at home. Simply gently melt some coconut...

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Expect Miracles

Oh the conflict of the human nature to expect miracles yet to have expectations often leads to disappointment. During my periods of severe anxiety and almost OCD behaviour, I would have to control everything. I could not cope if a plan changed or if someone did not behave the way I would have expected someone to behave.

It took me a long time to realise that it was my expectations that usually lead to disappointment. Not communicating my needs and desires effectively. You see, I think, we often believe others should know what we're thinking. This is especially true in relationships. We get upset by our partners behaviour or lack of understanding. But have we really explained what we need?


I openly admit I am a dreamer, I look for the best in people. I expect people to behave with the same moral codes and standards as me. I thought all people would join in my crazy positive approaches, finding solutions and come join me in the path of the dreamer. This has been, the learning...

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How to have the most incredible festive season

December Ritual

Are you ready to design your best year yet? Christmas can invoke so many emotions from joy, sadness, anxiety, loneliness and peace. Why not turn the festive season into something to truly celebrate and enjoy

've created this wee ritual and reflection following on from a really rubbish last Christmas. Last Christmas was sad, cold and far from festive. This year I'm switching it up. Want to join me? Grab Your favourite festive oil. Pop a drop in your palms and take a deep inhale.

Lets look at how you want your Christmas and New Year to feel. Get clear on how you want to show up. Set some intentions, kick back and enjoy!

Find a quiet space. Grab a pen, paper and a warm drink. Here’s some questions to write and reflect on:

How was your November?

What do you need to celebrate, what was successful?

What did you not enjoy about November?

Bring forward the successes and leave the things you didn’t enjoy firmly in the past. That month is gone!

This is the last...

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Grief is not linear

#grief #loss #motherslove Nov 20, 2018

The path to overcoming grief and loss is certainly not linear. You do not overcome the loss of another life but learn to live differently. The shadow, memories, love and history of another never dissipate or leave your heart. They remain there forever. Sometimes hidden, then other they rise deep within revealing themselves. The longing in your heart and the tears that stream and roll down your cheeks. The breath you struggle to take as you reach deep within your soul and feel.

This week and the end of last have been full of overwhelm, angst and trying to figure things out. I’d pushed the idea of it being grief from my mind. I was emotional, out of sorts. Then the universe forced or allowed me to stop and feel into it all.

Today would have been my mums 70th birthday. And this week whilst at my most emotional, she is the one I longed for the most. The one I could talk to, moan to, speak to and feel truly supported and never ever judged. Never had to alter my emotions. Never had...

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Down Dog has the answers

They say your yoga mat and practice is a reflection of your life. Today during my yoga class I found myself getting angry and annoyed at my inflexibility. As my yoga teacher assisted and guided me trying to help me to release “She commented this hip just doesn’t want to surrender”. Throughout my class I felt myself frustrated. Frustrated that I felt my body was failing me, my hamstrings are like bloody metal rods there so tight, my back is regularly seizing and going out of alignment then it clicked. Not my back, but the realisation that my body is not failing me I am failing my body.

The reflection of my own life on my yoga mat is not lost on me. As a seeker of answers, a meditation and mindfulness coach I regularly sit in silence and tune in. I assist others in recognising the metaphysical reasons for ill health. I coach people in making decisions, realising their goals and dreams, setting boundaries. Yet for the past few weeks I was resisting making a decision...

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How to have the best first day back at school

Top tips for a stress free first day back to school

Back to school can provoke so many feelings, excitement, fear, dread, tiredness and can be a worrying time for parent and child alike. I've created this 2 day back to school plan to get you heading towards that first day and beyond with a smile on your face and love in your heart. Let me know how it goes!

2 Days to Go!

-Lay out clothes ensure you’ve e got school bags packed, gym kit, pencil case, tote bags indoor shoes

-get up closer to school wake up time

-have a chat during the day to ask how they are feeling so you can alleviate any fears or worries before the day.

-bedtime at school bedtime, use your diffuser and diffuse lavender oil in bedroom 1 hour before bedtime. Take time to enjoy this time together read, chat make it as stress free as possible.

 1 Day to Go!

-get up around school wake up time

-diffuse wild orange and lemon to get that zingy mood boosting vibes on the go

-prep lunchbox

-ensure both you and your...

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To be or not to be: decision fatigue

This blog has been brewing for around the past 6 months. We all make decisions, hundreds a day. Some mega important and some really minor as what will we have for breakfast. Did you know that we only have a finite resource of decisions each day. So if we’re spending time in the morning deciding what to wear, what to eat, what to listen to, what will we do when we get into work. We’re already reducing our decision-making bucket considerably before we even leave our house.

The past 6 months for me has been full on moving home, building new premises, writing my book, changing my daughters school, changing swimming lessons, reviewing my health and diet. Seriously there had never been so many decisions. And some days I was seriously done!

Where will I put my new premises, who will I get to build it, what type of light switches would I like, what kind of lamp shade, what colour of floor should I choose, what’s for dinner, should I respond to emails first or respond to...

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The Magic of Cherry Blossom

The Magic of The Cherry Blossom

Cherry blossom is something I have always found so staggeringly beautiful. I love this time of year as it floats off the trees and lands on the ground creating a beautiful carpet of pink.

As I was driving along the road yesterday I was moved by how looking at the cherry blossom made me feel. It fills me with pure childlike joy and fascination. Children have a wonderful way of exploring and viewing the world which we can all learn from.

It is only through my journey with meditation and mindfulness I rediscovered this wonderous feeling of seeing the world with fresh eyes. Not eyes that are blinkered to adult responsibility and stress and but ones which can laugh and cry with sheer joy at bumble bee’s, butterflies and the dew on the grass.

The childlike nature which allows us to be our true selves, walk barefoot in the grass, run, jump and cuddle.

I have been saying for years that I will put a cherry blossom tree in my garden and still not done it....

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Ideas are Like Seeds

As I left my financial planner the other day I was thinking about the future and all that I have going on at the moment and it struck me that Ideas are like seeds. We have this momentary thought, idea and it is only when we show it love, plant it, cultivate it, nourish and support it does it form.

We are often left feeling like we are stuck, that nothing is happening fast but un-beknown to us, these seeds are growing roots, deepening, evolving and taking form.

i’m a huge fan of journaling and have a collection of books of ideas, business ideas, goals, life plans, dreams and facts. I firmly believe in the law of attraction and intention setting and it is something that I practice in my daily life. It is something that blows my mind. Some can see it as woo woo or for the scientific and business minded it be that we are positively focussing on a clear goal so ultimately it is more likely to happen. Either way by getting clear on what it is were really looking for and...

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