How to get the Holiday Vibes without the Holiday

You can also listen to an extended version of this on the Be Free Podcast. 

Do your holidays leave you yearning to return to your routines or tired and jaded wishing they were longer. I love time away from routine days with no plans. Slower pace trying new things, and often reflecting on where I'm at with life. What's working and what's not. I took a week off work last week as I really wanted some spaciousness time to step back, rest and review when I'm at. 


We've had a lot of change this year moving house moving business family stuff and healing. I felt I needed this time to land. The summer holidays has passed in a flash, however it didn't quite work out like I imagined. I am left yearning for that holiday feeling of rest and reflection.


So I thought I'd share how I'm going to give myself some holiday benefits without taking a holiday per se. Holidays are often the perfect antidote for stress, overwhelm, anxiety. Escaping from the pressures of life and...

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Healing, Embarrassment, and Alignment

Don’t really know where to start with this but I feel really called to write this for my own benefit. My nervous system is pretty wired just now, challenging myself with new things, triggering things and pushing through fear to do the things I enjoy and want to do. 


The frustration and sadness comes and goes. Should I take anti anxiety medication, am I disabled. This PPPD stuff may be is what my life will be like forever and I am determined if that is the case that I live fully. The doctors for the past 2 years have been suggesting anti anxiety medication and the main medical tool for PPPD rehab is anti anxiety meds, coupled with vestibular physio. I’m still not sure I’ve fought that for 3 decades do I really want to do that now? I am actually happy with my life its just when I cant do things I used to or people ask me to do things and I have to try explain my limitations. It’s uncomfortable and quite humiliating. 


Mindfulness and all...

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